Holding Space & Releasing Judgement: Grieving Mom Kristine Jackson 033

Our guest today is Kristine Jackson and if you listened to the previous episode with Ernie Jackson then you are familiar with some of her story and the passing of their son Quinton. Kristine's journey was different from her husband's, starting with the traumatic injuries she sustained in the car accident that took her son's life and kept her in the hospital for 6 days. Kristine was on heavy narcotics and anti-depressants for the first two years while she worked through the pain and physical therapy to regain her mobility. After a dream visitation from her son she quit the medication and built an even stronger connection with her son.

Kristine's whole family was present for the car accident, and they have all grieved differently. A personal grief journey is complicated enough, but Kristine and her family have had to navigate supporting themselves and eachother.

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Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay
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Grief Support: Changing a Thought 034


The Magic of Signs From A Stranger 032